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Sheila Stewart


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Sheila Stewart's first collection of poetry, A Hat to Stop a Train, published in 2003 by Wolsak and Wynn, went into its second printing. Her second collection, The Shape of a Throat, was published by Signature Editions in 2012. In 2024, If I Write About My Father was published by Ekstasis Editions. She also co-edited a collection of poetry and essays, The Art of Poetic Inquiry (Backalong Books, 2012). Sheila’s poetry has been recognized by the gritLIT Contest, the Pottersfield Portfolio Short Poem Contest, and the Scarborough Arts Council Windows on Words Award. Her work has been widely published in Canada and she is published in Ireland and the US. Sheila grew up in Stratford, Waterloo, and Montreal. She taught in Libya and Swaziland and worked in adult literacy at Parkdale Project Read. Her PhD (OISE/UT) uses poetic inquiry to explore shame, grief, silence, and authority in writing. She is a Writing Studies faculty member at the New College Writing Centre at the University of Toronto and previously taught in Equity Studies, Community-Engaged Learning, and Women and Gender Studies. She loves teaching writing and thinking about learning. She can be found walking in High Park, along the shore of Lak Ontario, and at sheilastewart.ca


Books and other publications
Selected Publications
A Hat to Stop a Train (Wolsak and Wynn, 2003) ISBN 1-919897-89-4.
The Shape of a Throat (Signature Editions, 2012) ISBN 978-1897109-95-3.
The Art of Poetic Inquiry (Backalong Books, 2012) ISBN 978-1-894132-05-3.
If I Write About My Father (Ekstasis Editions, 2024) ISBN 978-1-77171-554-6.

Selected Anthologies
A Room at the Heart of Things (Vehicule Press 1998) ISBN 1-55065-094-7.

Books in Print
Stewart, Sheila
A Hat to Stop a Train (Wolsak and Wynn, 2003) ISBN 1-919897-89-4.
The Shape of a Throat (Signature Editions, 2012) ISBN 978-1897109-95-3.
The Art of Poetic Inquiry (Backalong Books, 2012) ISBN 978-1-894132-05-3.
If I Write About My Father (Ekstasis Editions, 2024) ISBN 978-1-77171-554-6.
Awards and other achievements
Second place in gritLIT poetry contest 2010
Scarborough Arts Council "Window on Words" Contest, 2003.
Ray Burrell Award, Honourable Mention, 2003.
Pottersfield Portfolio Short Poem Competition, 2000.
Poetic forms and styles
  • Long poem
  • Print poetry
  • Prose poetry
Other writing expertise
  • Academic writing
  • Creative non-fiction
  • Hybrid genres
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations
Additional writing experience
essays; academic writing; articles on adult literacy, poetic inquiry, settler colonialism, and more
Spanish, Bengali


Contact poet directly
Sheila Stewart
Poets in the Schools (Ontario)
  • Poets in the Schools (primary grades)
  • Poets in the Schools (middle grades)
  • Poets in the Schools (senior grades)
International bookings
I am happy to teach/do readings/travel outside of Canada. I have done readings, workshops, and presented papers in Ireland, England, and the States.
Editorial services
  • Poetry manuscript evaluation
  • Poetry manuscript editing
  • Individual poem editing
  • Non-fiction editing
  • One-on-one mentoring
Editorial services: detail
Please contact me to discuss the editing you need.
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